Select Painting has over 18 years of experience painting exterior homes in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas.
Select Painting is a trusted company with more than 17 years of experience painting homes in Sioux Falls and has completed over 6000 painting projects since 2005.
Our focus on delivering top-notch work that lasts long, is achieved by dedicating enough time to prepare the house and applying the final touches meticulously.
Before we paint a house, we start by power-washing it to make sure the surface is clean and ready to be painted. Next, we carefully inspect each home to determine if any scraping, sanding, or caulking is necessary before applying the paint. This step ensures that the paint will adhere properly and that the final result will be long-lasting and beautiful.
Our thorough process guarantees that your home will be professionally painted with attention to detail and quality.
Get your free exterior painting estimate in just 7 days or less!
Check Out Our Production Process
Our Systematic Process for Working on the Interior of Your Home:
1. Prep
We’ll first prepare your garage floors by diamond grinding with our 800 lb propane-powered planetary grinder. We can minimize the dust in your property by hooking the grinders up to our triple HEPA filter vacuum systems.
2. Reconstruct
Our floor coating contractors will use premium fillers and menders to fix cracks and pits in your garage before the installation of polyurea floor coating.
3. Apply the Base
We’ll mix and apply the self-priming polyurea basecoat.
4. Broadcast the Chips
After the basecoat is done, we’ll spread the chip by hand to provide texture and color to the floor.
5. Scrape the Chip
One to two hours later the basecoat will be cured, our expert contractors will scrape the chip to leave you with the desired texture and clean the floor to remove any loose flakes.
6. Clear Coat
We’ll then roll out the UV stable polyaspartic clear coat to finish the process.
Benefits of Using Select Coatings for Your Garage Floor
The two greatest advantages of a polyurea garage floor coating by Select Coatings are time and temperature. First thing, unlike epoxy garage floor coatings, a polyurea coating can be applied in extreme temperatures –– no more waiting until summer to coat your garage floor. Secondly, polyurea coatings also will not crack and chip easily like epoxy flooring.
With the best warranty on the market, your concrete floor coating is guaranteed to last for decades.
Benefits of a Polyurea Garage Floor Coating Include:
- Coating penetrates concrete for a strong bond
- High gloss finish
- 100% UV stable
- High tolerance to heat
- Repels moisture
- High stain and chemical resistance
- High scratch resistance
- Flexible, higher-impact resistance
- Slip-resistant
Get a free Coatings estimate in just 7 days or less!
Durability Matters
We confidently and proudly offer a 15-year residential warranty.

In today’s day and age, what is really built to last anymore? Our concrete coatings are! We have a superior polyurea that doesn’t chip or peel and it’s four times stronger than epoxy. This means you’ll enjoy beautiful flooring for decades absolutely worry-free.
Over time, traditional garage floor coatings will crack. This is because they’re made with water-based epoxy products. They do cost less but before long, you’ll need to repair the damages to the floors.
Select Coatings’ polyurea is stronger and more flexible than epoxy. It can tolerate temperature in excess of 200 degrees. Our concrete coatings are cooler too, great for bare feet on patios and pool decks!
And with the Best Warranty on the market, you can rest assured your flooring will last for decades.
We Serve Homeowners In Kansas City, KS & Surrounding Areas
Our qualified team provides the best garage floor coating services in Kansas City, Missouri, and surrounding areas, including:
- Belton, MO
- Blue Springs, MO
- Chillicothe, MO
- Craig, KS
- Gardner, KS
- Gladstone, MO
- Greenwood, MO
- Grandview, MO
- Independence, MO
- Jefferson City, MO
- Lansing, KS
- Lawrence, KS
- Leawood, KS
- Lee’s Summit, MO
- Lenexa, KS
- Liberty, MO
- Mission, KS
- Northland Kansas City, MO
- Oak Grove, MO
- Olathe, KS
- Overland Park, KS
- Parkville, MO
- Prairie Village, KS
- Raymore, MO
- Roeland Park, KS
- Shawnee, KS
- Spring Hill, KS
- Topeka, KS